Invest in the journey of a promising artist.
The Visceral Scholarship Programs are need based in which talent and commitment contribute to the determination of awards.
AGES 10 - 17
The Visceral Youth program is designed for the aspiring dancer. This program seeks to create the same opportunities to be inspired, immersed and educated in high quality training environment. Your investment gives young dancers the opportunity to succeed in life through the experiences received in this exceptional dance program. Visceral provides financial support through classes, transportation and dancewear for those in need.
AGES 18 - 24
Emerging artist dancers that are at the beginning of their professional careers. In this program artists will grow in a nurturing and immersive learning environment designed to bridge the space between their training and the profession of dance. Visceral provides financial support through classes.
For more information on how to get involved please contact Nick Pupillo at npupillo@visceraldance.com
Visceral Dance Chicago is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent of the law.