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Mónica Cervantes (Choreographer) studied at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona until 2002 where she received the Best Dancer Award of her generation. As a dancer she performed at Abcdancecompany (Austria), Cia. Metros (Barcelona), Titoyaya Project (Valencia) and Luna Negra Theatre (Chicago, USA) where she also worked as a rehearsal director. She won the Lladró prize at the Festival Dansa Valencia 2007 and the award for best performer of the Choreographic competition Masdanza 2009. Mónica was honored By Dance Magazine (USA) as one of the dancers in their annual  "Top 25 to Watch" in 2013. She was also nominated for the award "2013.3Arts" (USA) in the category of dance. She also worked as an assistant for the world renowned choreographer Gustavo Ramirez Sansano at Budapest Dance Theatre, Ballet Met (Columbus, USA), Ballet Hispanico (New York)...

As a choreographer, Mónica was awarded first prize for "Regressió" at the Sabadell Choreographic Competition, 2006. In 2009 she choreographed "Pure Pleasure"  for the Cia. Mou Dansa (Valencia), winning first prize honors for choreography at the Sevilla Choreographic Contest. Pure pleasure also won the interpretation award in the Burgos-New York contest. Her choreographic works at the USA have been 

"Requiem" (2012), "Presente" (2013) for Luna Negra Dance Theatre; "Changes" (2013) and her recent choreography "Homage" (2019) for the company Visceral Dance Chicago.


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